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Helping Children Form Connections Through Field Trips

by Carol Gratsch Boyce
July/August 2006
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/helping-children-form-connections-through-field-trips/5017076/

As the director of an early childhood center I encourage my staff to take field trips. These excursions are wonderful ways to extend what is learned in school to the greater world outside our doors. They help children better understand their community by allowing them to experience learning firsthand and can open up new ideas and ways of thinking for children. One benefit of field trips that is often missed is the experience children have in expanding their connections to their environment and their community.

In his book, The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness, Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. describes a five-part process designed to help children develop into confident, secure, and happy adults. This cyclical process begins with feelings of connectedness to people, one’s community, and in a larger sense, mankind. Dr. Hallowell believes that helping children form connections is the single most important thing we can do; it is the precursor to all other steps in the cycle. According to
Dr. Hallowell, a feeling of connectedness:

-- helps children develop confidence, trust, and a sense of security.

-- leads to the development of self-esteem.

-- helps children gain the courage they need to try new things and to learn from their experiences.

-- ...

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