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Playscape Art

by Rusty Keeler
March/April 2009
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/playscape-art/5018662/

In past articles I’ve talked about building imaginative outdoor play environments with the help of local community volunteers. These folks can help you imagine, plan, and build the playscape of your dreams. During construction they can help you plant trees, flowers, and willow huts, build playhouses and shade trellises, and move boulders or giant logs into place. But that is just the beginning of your playscape fun. There is another group of people who can add a unique layer of whimsy, surprise, and wonder to your playscape. . . . Who am I talking about? Artists! There could be artists in your neighborhood right now who would love to join your playscape beautification project. You never know who they might be. A parent. A grandparent. A neighbor. You?

On every playscape project that I work on I look for artists in the community who may be persuaded to help out the project. It is not only great for young children to have a yard filled with multi-sensory, climbable, textural, inviting sculpture and murals for their play adventures, but it is inspiring for children to see creative adults sharing their playful talents in beautiful ways. Imagine children watching a blacksmith hammer out a ...

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