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In Defense of Sensitive, Nurturing Men of the 90's - Fred Responds to Irate Reader

by Fred Piaget
November/December 1992
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/in-defense-of-sensitive-nurturing-men-of-the-90s-fred-responds-to-irate-reader/5008841/

After my last article appeared in Exchange, I received the following letter from an irate reader:

Dear Fred,

I'm sick and tired of all you men giving advice about child care. The only caring men do is about miles per gallon, megabytes, and point spreads. Most men don't know how to enter into a meaningful relationship or which end of a baby to put a diaper on. Yet you have the gall to lecture women on how to care for children. You have no business in a caring profession.

Warmest regards,
Irate Reader

This certainly was an upsetting letter. In fact, I was so upset that I could barely concentrate on the second half of the Raiders game.

Upon reflection, I became more angry than upset. What right did she have to cast all men in an Archie Bunker stereotype? So I set up my new Compaq 386 notebook computer with its active color display to set the record straight.

First, men do care about children. If I didn't care deeply about my own children, for example, would I be out there weekend after weekend watching them play soccer, baseball, and basketball?

Would Dan Quayle be out there preaching family values if ...

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