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Need a Barometer for Assessing the Climate of your Center?

by Soni Werner, Ph.D.
May/June 1996
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Article Link: http://www.exchangepress.com/article/need-a-barometer-for-assessing-the-climate-of-your-center/5010929/

When a director has a hunch that there is grumbling among the early childhood center staff, what are her options? Perhaps she might open up a discussion at a staff meeting, but most likely only a few will disclose their real feelings in that group setting. She might arrange for a staff training session on conflict resolution, but it may be hard to schedule time for the entire staff to get away from the center in order to attend. She could just ignore the grumbling because she's too busy, but then the concerns may fester and have a negative effect on the staff's relationship with sensitive children. This can lead to dissatisfied parents who may withdraw their children from the center or foster high turnover among the staff.


There is another option. The director could conduct a climate survey - a tool designed to measure staff morale - which includes motivation, commitment, satisfaction/dissatisfaction, responsibility, concerns, and so forth. One could think of it as a barometer which measures the changing weather because this instrument can measure the changing climate of the early childhood center.

A climate survey is not an end in itself - it is actually ...

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