This volume of Exchange Essentials includes the following selected Exchange articles, in PDF format, focusing on strategies for promoting your program:
- Listening to Parents Translates into More Referrals
by Jo Kirchner
- Community-Building in the 21st Century: Social Media and Digital Marketing
by Margaret Teller
- Five Ways to Economy-Proof Your Enrollment
by Julie Wassom
- Creating a Video Tour to Market Your Center
by Suzanne Gellens, Bobbie Mathews, and Shari Young
- Enrollment-Building Ideas from Exchange Readers
from Exchange Readers
- Making Your Website an Effective Marketing Partner
by Julie Wassom
- Marketing: No Longer an Afterthought
by Phyllis Kalifeh
- Mission-Driven Advertising
by Margaret Leitch Copeland, Susan Gimilaro, and Nancy Sullivan
- Harnessing the Power of Social Media to Build Your Business
by Mark Mahoney
- The Lifetime Value of a Loyal Customer
by Margaret Leitch Copeland and Susan Gimilaro
- Marketing Your Program
by Susan Anderson
- Customer Service: What I Learned When I Bought My New Computer
by Roger Neugebauer
- Know Me or No Me �" Finding Your Best Prospects for Enrollment
by Julie Wassom
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